Monday, September 5, 2011

iambic pentameter

The stars up in the night sky glisten bright
The shining moon illuminates the land
As I sit and stare at a shooting star
I make a wish and hope it will come true

By jess,elise and sarah

major project!

so i have decided what im doing for my major project and that will be gathering up some photos and writing about why that person, place, or even object is important to me. so kinda like a photo book :)


All day there has been that stinging, sore feeling on my leg. It burns as well. Maybe it’s a reminder that I have done something so bad, so evil even.... You should never be responsible for one of your best friend’s pain. No you should be the reason they smile and laugh, but this time it’s different. This time I was responsible for the pain and the tears and I still am. I have never in my life felt so guilty and ashamed of myself. I hate!! What I have done, and what’s even worse is I can’t take away her pain.... it’s with her and now she has to decide how she will deal with it, and I know that it won’t be good. Telling her that I'm sorry and that I love her sometimes isn’t enough, but what else can I do? Sometimes you have to wait until people come back to you and the waiting hurts, it hurts a lot because you don’t know if they will. I'm lucky though, she did come back, I don’t think I deserve her though, she’s true and honest and I was a liar and a cheater and I hurt her. I know that it will take work to get back to where we were but I'm prepared for that, I want to work on things and make it better and I want our trust back, the trust we had that I broke. I hate myself.

All these feelings got me pretty bad last night. I had to put myself through pain because I deserve it. I deserve and immense amount of it! And that’s the only way I know how. When people know what you have done they don’t know why. If you haven’t ever done it before then you just can’t understand. It makes you feel better in some kind of fucked up way, because you know that you are now in pain. It actually doesn’t even hurt that much sometimes, just one quick flick of your wrist and have it, the kind of cut that makes people think that there is something wrong with you. I don’t just have one of these cuts though, I have many. I have torn over old scars and re-opened a part of my life that I hoped that I could put behind me, but I can’t. It’s not as simple as just stopping, because there’s something addictive about it and it really does make you feel better. I don’t think I will fully ever understand why I do it , but there’s a lot that I don’t understand, so this is just adding to the list, but for now I don’t care if I have  that constant stinging and burning feeling, I don’t care if they leave scares because I deserve them. I deserve everything I get.

the correct way to put 'there, their and they're' into a sentence

-There are many things wrong in Dorothy’s life
-When we get there we will have a cup of tea
-My children are quite happy, and they’re all doing well
-So you’re visiting your relatives? While you are at the their house enjoy yourself
-If you look over there you will see a monster
-Australians are happy-go-lucky people and they’re not likely to change
-Little Bo Peeps family are searching for something. I think I can see their sheep
-They’re over there

my weeekend! (well saturday)

Well today is Monday so I'm just going to write about my weekend. On Saturday I saw my best friend like I normally would on the weekend. Mum dropped me off at his house at around 11:15. I was meant to be there at 11 but I blame mum for making us late. When I got there Nick was playing cod like he usually does so I went and sat down next to him and gave him a hug and said hello :) I then started to play with his dog Rusty, he is adorable! I also proceeded to bag out some guys voice on cod. For people that don’t know what cod is it stands for Call of Duty and it is a video game. Anyway nick just looked at me like I was a complete idiot! But he got the other controller for me and I then started to play as well. Nick was all like ‘yeh I'm gonna kick your ass’ but guess who got the first kill?! Yeep ME! His face was priceless I then continued to kill him another 16 times and to say that he was surprised is an understatement, but he won by killing me 24 times! :(
We then finished the game and went to shoppingtown with his mum because he needed new clothes and new school shoes, it sounds boring but it wasn’t because I love spending time with him and he makes me so happy. We act like bestfriends as well, we tell each other everything, we act stupid when we are with each other, we push each other around when we are walking, sounds stupid but even the small things like that make me so happy. To know that you have an amazing person in your life who is always there for you is the best thing. I know I have elise and niamh but with nicks its different. I don’t know if its because he is a guy or if its because we click in this way that makes us so close. Anyway bottom line is that I love him to death and I never want to lose him. We got back to his place at around 1 and we just watched some tv and ate some food, and then went onto the computer and watched youtube videos. Mum picked me up at 3:30 which is really annoying! I wanted to spend more time with him!
That’s a bit of my weekend for you :)

50 word stories

Driving along the road and still seeing the charcoal black trees and the empty blocks of land with nothing but the brick frames that once held the house together. It makes my heart sink. Going through a place that used to be full of happiness and laughter is now for some a place of heart ache and disaster.
58 words.

Everytime that tv show comes on my heart skips a beat. His smile, his eyes, the way he flicks his fringe, those arms and that amazing personality. If only he could see that he could do better. Yes i love Josh from the block and one day he will love me.
51 words.

The first story was because that weekend i went up to the snow and we had to go through merrysville to get there. It still does make me upset driving through there but seeing how far they have come puts a smile on my face. The second is simply because i love josh from the tv show the block! im not a stalker though i did want my story to sound creepy. haha :)

all about me in 10 minutes !

My name is Jessica-Rose Shiress Casey
I was born on 10th of February 1996, I'm 15
I love my family and friends
I want a Ute for my car, either green or purple, and its going to have an amazing sound system
I have 1 brother and 2 step brothers
My pet dogs Snoopy and Zara mean the world to me
My best friends are Elise and Niamh I absolutely adore them and I don’t know what I would do without them
I have an obsession with shoes even though I don’t own many pairs
I have really blue eyes and I like them :)
My bedroom is amazing and its almost exactly how I want it
I reallllly! Hate where I live, just the location, it’s too far away and I can’t even catch a bus
I love watching  movies and I'm trying to built my collection
Having a boyfriend doesn’t really worry me, the last one was an idiot so I'm happy being single
My brother Chris I love too bits, he is like my bestfriend and I miss living with him
My favourite colour is green
My DREAM! Guy is a hot tradie with a ute and they must be older than me
I go to tafe with an amazing girl called Sarah once a week
I hate people without a sense of humour because I'm funny ;)
Sometimes I make no sence when I'm happy because I just talk way to fast
I hate selfish people and bitches, they annoy me and should just be nice and get over problems
I actually love winter but I want summer now
I love my mummy soooooo much
My parents aren’t together anymore (I like it that way)
Relaxing is sometimes how I spend my weekend
MUSIC IS MY WORLD!! I always have my ipod on me and I cant go a day without it, it also helps me sleep
I'm unfortunately facebook addicted, I'm always on it, and it is pretty entertaining
 Cheesecake is probably the best thing ever invented
My mums cooking is the best although sometimes I am disappointed
I do also have another best friend whos name is Nick, he is very clumsy but always there for me
I can tell that I'm defiantly going to be a party girl when I'm older, because I'm already one, and having older people constantly around you doesn’t really help either
Even though it sounds mean sometimes I don’t like seeing my dad, he is always in a bad mood
I'm the proud owner of hair extensions, and stuff people who say they are stupid
Brittany Lucus Sewart is amazing. I love her
I want to be an Events Manager when I'm older
Thats all I can currently think of. Thanks for reading :)