Monday, September 5, 2011

50 word stories

Driving along the road and still seeing the charcoal black trees and the empty blocks of land with nothing but the brick frames that once held the house together. It makes my heart sink. Going through a place that used to be full of happiness and laughter is now for some a place of heart ache and disaster.
58 words.

Everytime that tv show comes on my heart skips a beat. His smile, his eyes, the way he flicks his fringe, those arms and that amazing personality. If only he could see that he could do better. Yes i love Josh from the block and one day he will love me.
51 words.

The first story was because that weekend i went up to the snow and we had to go through merrysville to get there. It still does make me upset driving through there but seeing how far they have come puts a smile on my face. The second is simply because i love josh from the tv show the block! im not a stalker though i did want my story to sound creepy. haha :)

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