Monday, September 5, 2011

all about me in 10 minutes !

My name is Jessica-Rose Shiress Casey
I was born on 10th of February 1996, I'm 15
I love my family and friends
I want a Ute for my car, either green or purple, and its going to have an amazing sound system
I have 1 brother and 2 step brothers
My pet dogs Snoopy and Zara mean the world to me
My best friends are Elise and Niamh I absolutely adore them and I don’t know what I would do without them
I have an obsession with shoes even though I don’t own many pairs
I have really blue eyes and I like them :)
My bedroom is amazing and its almost exactly how I want it
I reallllly! Hate where I live, just the location, it’s too far away and I can’t even catch a bus
I love watching  movies and I'm trying to built my collection
Having a boyfriend doesn’t really worry me, the last one was an idiot so I'm happy being single
My brother Chris I love too bits, he is like my bestfriend and I miss living with him
My favourite colour is green
My DREAM! Guy is a hot tradie with a ute and they must be older than me
I go to tafe with an amazing girl called Sarah once a week
I hate people without a sense of humour because I'm funny ;)
Sometimes I make no sence when I'm happy because I just talk way to fast
I hate selfish people and bitches, they annoy me and should just be nice and get over problems
I actually love winter but I want summer now
I love my mummy soooooo much
My parents aren’t together anymore (I like it that way)
Relaxing is sometimes how I spend my weekend
MUSIC IS MY WORLD!! I always have my ipod on me and I cant go a day without it, it also helps me sleep
I'm unfortunately facebook addicted, I'm always on it, and it is pretty entertaining
 Cheesecake is probably the best thing ever invented
My mums cooking is the best although sometimes I am disappointed
I do also have another best friend whos name is Nick, he is very clumsy but always there for me
I can tell that I'm defiantly going to be a party girl when I'm older, because I'm already one, and having older people constantly around you doesn’t really help either
Even though it sounds mean sometimes I don’t like seeing my dad, he is always in a bad mood
I'm the proud owner of hair extensions, and stuff people who say they are stupid
Brittany Lucus Sewart is amazing. I love her
I want to be an Events Manager when I'm older
Thats all I can currently think of. Thanks for reading :)

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