Monday, September 5, 2011

my weeekend! (well saturday)

Well today is Monday so I'm just going to write about my weekend. On Saturday I saw my best friend like I normally would on the weekend. Mum dropped me off at his house at around 11:15. I was meant to be there at 11 but I blame mum for making us late. When I got there Nick was playing cod like he usually does so I went and sat down next to him and gave him a hug and said hello :) I then started to play with his dog Rusty, he is adorable! I also proceeded to bag out some guys voice on cod. For people that don’t know what cod is it stands for Call of Duty and it is a video game. Anyway nick just looked at me like I was a complete idiot! But he got the other controller for me and I then started to play as well. Nick was all like ‘yeh I'm gonna kick your ass’ but guess who got the first kill?! Yeep ME! His face was priceless I then continued to kill him another 16 times and to say that he was surprised is an understatement, but he won by killing me 24 times! :(
We then finished the game and went to shoppingtown with his mum because he needed new clothes and new school shoes, it sounds boring but it wasn’t because I love spending time with him and he makes me so happy. We act like bestfriends as well, we tell each other everything, we act stupid when we are with each other, we push each other around when we are walking, sounds stupid but even the small things like that make me so happy. To know that you have an amazing person in your life who is always there for you is the best thing. I know I have elise and niamh but with nicks its different. I don’t know if its because he is a guy or if its because we click in this way that makes us so close. Anyway bottom line is that I love him to death and I never want to lose him. We got back to his place at around 1 and we just watched some tv and ate some food, and then went onto the computer and watched youtube videos. Mum picked me up at 3:30 which is really annoying! I wanted to spend more time with him!
That’s a bit of my weekend for you :)

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